Top 30 Sri Nisargadatta maharaj quotes

In here we sharing a collection of Sri Nisargadatta maharaj quotes.

Nisargadatta Maharaj (17 April 1897 – 8 September 1981), born Maruti Shivrampant Kambli. He was an Indian guru of nondualism, belonging to the Inchagiri Sampradaya, a lineage of teachers from the Navnath Sampradaya and Lingayat Shaivism.

Nisargadatta maharaj quotes

Wisdom is knowing I am nothing, Love is knowing I am everything, and between the two my life moves.

Shift your attention from words to silence and you will hear.

Realize that your world is only a reflection of yourself and stop finding fault with the reflection. Attend to yourself, set yourself right; mentally and emotionally. The physical self will follow automatically.

Know yourself to be the changeless witness of the changeful mind. That is enough.

It is always the false that makes you suffer, the false desires and fears, the false values and ideas, the false relationships between people. Abandon the false and you are free of pain; truth makes happy, truth liberates.

You will receive everything you need when you stop asking for what you do not need.

Instead of searching for what you do not have, find out what it is that you have never lost.

Love says ‘I am everything.’ Wisdom says ‘I am nothing.’ Between the two, my life flows.

You will receive everything you need when you stop asking for what you do not need

Once you realize that the road is the goal and that you are always on the road, not to reach a goal, but to enjoy its beauty and its wisdom, life ceases to be a task and becomes natural and simple, in itself an ecstasy.

Wisdom tells me I am nothing. Love tells me I am everything. And between the two my life flows.

You cannot transcend what you do not know. To go beyond yourself, you must know yourself.

Once you realize that the road is the goal and that you are always on the road, not to reach a goal, but to enjoy its beauty and its wisdom, life ceases to be a task and becomes natural and simple, in itself an ecstasy.

The consciousness in you and the consciousness in me, apparently two, really one, seek unity and that is love.

The problem is not yours – it is your mind’s only. Begin by disassociating yourself from your mind. Resolutely remind yourself that you are not the mind and that its problems are not yours.

The mind creates the abyss, the heart crosses it.

Life is love and love is life.

It is always the false that makes you suffer, the false desires and fears, the false values and ideas, the false relationships between people. Abandon the false and you are free of pain; truth makes happy, truth liberates.

We miss the real by lack of attention, and create the unreal by excess of imagination.

Love is not selective, desire is selective. In love there are no strangers.

The moment you know your real being, you are afraid of nothing. Death gives freedom and power. To be free in the world, you must die to the world. Then the universe is your own, it becomes your body, an expression and a tool. The happiness of being absolutely free is beyond description.

Whatever happens, happens to you by you, through you; you are the creator, enjoyer and destroyer of all you perceive.

Awareness is ever there. It need not be realized. Open the shutter of the mind, and it will be flooded with light.

This attitude of silent observation is the very foundation of yoga. You see the picture, but you are not the picture.

God is not running the world. All happens by itself. You are asking the question and you are supplying the answer. And you know the answer when you ask the question. All is play in consciousness. All divisions are illusory.

Reality all is here and now and all is one. Multiplicity and diversity are in the mind only.

As you watch your mind, you discover your self as the watcher. When you stand motionless, only watching, you discover your self as the light behind the watcher.

Make your world perfect, by all means. If you believe in God, work with Him. If you do not, become one. Either see the world as a play or work at it with all your might.

All this is temporary, while I am dealing with the eternal. Gods and their universes come and go, avatars follow each other in endless succession, and in the end we are back at the source. I talk only of the timeless source of all gods with all their universes, past, present and future.

The consciousness in you and the consciousness in me, apparently two, really one, seek unity and that is love.

There is only life, there is nobody who lives a life.

Pleasure puts you to sleep and pain wakes you up. If you don’t want to suffer, don’t go to sleep.

Don’t try to understand! It’s enough if you do not misunderstand.

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